Life is good.
Well, everything is good now that we have beaten Mozambique's roads [or lack thereof].
Sitting in Tanzania right this minute.
Tanz = green, green, green, avocados, bannanas, coffee & tea estates, trekking extinct volcanoes, amzing mountains, dinosaur bones.
As we move north & then east it will hopefully = lions lions lions
Anyway, in my World pictures say more than words.
So here we go.
The view I woke up to from our tent on my birthday. The soft sounds of fisherman singing in the background, the threat of crocidiles crawling about and the mist floating by... Africa definetley turned it on for me!

The realities of life at the moment. I wont post the picture of the loos.

Talking to local crabs... in their native language of course.

Beautiful Munhere who prepared our seafood every night while in Pangane, Mozambique. The bowl in front of her is full of freshly ground coconut - to boil our rice in.

Roads, People, Roads, People and more RoadsPeopleRoadsPeople. I never thought I'd say this, being the least car-road-oriented person imaginable. But seeing this photo I now believe the most beautiful part to be the glorious glorious tar in the foreground!

In heaven on Likoma Island in Malawi. Our first sighting of lettuce for 6 weeks!

Where was this guy when I was doing my removals from sydney to wgong back in january!

The surrounding archetectiure of the oldest African Chapel, on Ilha Mocambqiue.

Pumping our water for the next few weeks - much to the locals amusement. This is bloody hard work, but a lovely lady gave me a hand.